Recovering Authentic Spirituality – Even In My Mess
Phil 4:8, Matt 12:34-35, Mark 7: 21-23
- 你目前处在什么杂乱的情况中?
- 你的期待是什么?
- 你希望主能为你作什么?
1) How do I get into such a MESS? 我是如何陷入如此的杂乱中?
→渴求享受快速性的生活/Quick pleasure (科技快速性的发展, 过着快速性的生活)
→ 受到朋友的压力/Peer pleasure (朋友要你学他们的作风才算自己很IN)
→ 色情的诱惑/Pornography (伤害自己并伤害别人)
~ No matter how strong you are, you are still vulnerable to break faith in God无论你有多么的强,你还是会有对神失去信心的风险
2) Life drivers – What kind of things that drives me? 生命的推动力- 是什么在推动着我?
- Awfulizing 把生命看得很消极化
- “The world must…”“这世界一定会”原则
-“I must…” “我一定要”原则
- “Can’t –stand-in-this….” “实在毫无可忍”原则
- Condemnation & deviation “谴责并偏差自己(作违反社会规范的事)
3) What is authentic spirituality? 什么是纯正属灵状态?
Authentic – Be what God has created you to be (simply a human being, not a human doing!)
纯正 – 你成为神所造的自己并接纳本身(是人而不是做人)
- To be yourself and nobody else! 成为你自己而不是别人!
~ What you see is what you get 你所看到的就是你所得到的
~ Integrity for who and what you are 为自己是谁与身份所有的诚信
~ Congruence between inner and outer self 内在与外在的同余
- To be truthful and trustful to whom God has created you to be and become 对神创造并怎样塑造自己 有个坦白的心与信任
Spirituality – the whole life in relationship with God
属灵状态 – 与神拥有关系的一生
1 Timothy 4:16 – Watch your life and doctrine 谨守自己与教训
The word of God is the Bible but the Bible is not the word of God. It’s Jesus who is the word of God. 神的话语是圣经,但是圣经不是神的话。耶稣就是神的话语
Authentic spirituality comes from authentic self 纯正的属灵状态是出于纯正的自己
- Living the core of your being where the Spirit of Christ lives 活出拥有基督的灵所在的个人核心(Col 3:1-4)
- Our sense of self is not defined by external beauty. It is defined by our relationship with God, self and others 我们的自觉并不是由伸展至外的美所定的,乃是我们与神,自己以及他人的关系 (Gal 5:22)
- Living life with the external end in view 以在生命之路拥有的成果的概念过日子(John 4:34)
- Choosing guidelines 选择指引 (what or who is your guideline? 什么/谁是你的指引?)
~ Take exams as challenges 把考试看为挑战 J
“The glory of God is a man and woman truly alive”. Irenaeus
The parable of the Prodigal Son - the Lost Sons 浪子回头的比喻
Younger Son 年幼的儿子 | Older Son 年长的儿子 |
Lost in his self-absorption, see his neediness and is found 在自己的自我陶醉中失去自己,看出自己的需要并被寻回 | Lost in his self-righteousness, blind to his need to be found 在自己的自我为义中失去自己,在自己未被寻回的情况中受幪住 |
Self-discovery (realizing that he already has his father’s love and providence) 自我探索 – 领悟到自己已经有了父亲的爱与供应 | Self-deception (fail to realize he already has what a son needs) 自我欺诈 – 没领悟到自己已经有了一个儿子所当有的 |
“Recovering” what we have lost 寻回我们所遗失的 |
~ What have you lost? 你已经失去了什么?
~How have you lost it? 你是怎样失去了呢?
~ How would you recover what you have lost? 你要怎样寻回所遗失的?
(Refer Isaiah 30:15, John 5:19, 30; 15:14-15)
There are three sons in the parable – The third Son who is telling the parable 故事中有三个儿子 – 第三个儿子是讲比喻的儿子
- We get easily tempted and being in a mess when we don’t know who we are 当我们不知道自己是谁,我们很容易受试探并陷入杂乱中
- Temptation is only real when we are in need of something in life 只有当我们在生命中渴想某件事时,试探才会变得很真实
- Jesus choose not to sin, setting a good example of obedience 耶稣选择不犯罪,成为顺服的好典范
- To be really Christian is to obey God’s word 要成为一个真正的基督徒就是要顺服神的话
4) How to maintain authentic spirituality? 怎样才能保持纯正的属灵状态?
- Rules for life are our intentional, disciplined ways to live with the Holy Spirit, by attending to our rhythms in order to stay true and truthful to who and whose we are in Christ for the glory of God 生命的规律是我们与圣灵同居的自愿与自律方式,是透过顾及我们个人的旋律来保持个人的真实并在基督里的身份为神的荣耀 (Philippians 2:12-13)
Compassionate Listening to Emotional Rhythm 体恤性地聆听情绪的旋律
- Notice the matter 注意问题
- Name the matter 列出问题
- Tell God about it 向神倾诉问题
- Ask God what we need 问主我们真正需要的是什么
I am a beloved child (created image) of God, redeemed by His blood 我是蒙神爱的孩子(照他的样式被造),是因他的宝血而被赎回来的
~What do you invest your life with? 你用什么来投资你的生命?
~ As a Christian do you really let God take control of your life? Your birthright by God? 身为一个基督徒你是否真的让神来掌管你的生命?你与生俱来的权利的交给神?
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